Enhance and Sustain our historic downtown business district.
The CCDC has worked hard to re-build Carnegie back to the vibrancy of years past, overcoming the many struggles including failed re-development, flooding and fires. The CCDC has offered many programs through the years including a Business Attraction and Retention Program and a Facade Program, organizing the local building and business owners of Carnegie group (BBOC) and growing the Carnegie Crawl into a promotional tool for Carnegie.
Our Strategic Plan
Enhance and sustain our historic downtown business district
Market the unique location, assets, and opportunities in Carnegie to a greater regional audience
Foster collaboration, dialogue, and ownership among all members of the community
The Volunteer Board
The Carnegie Community Development Corporation is led by a Board of Directors. The Board is comprised of local business and community leaders. The Board ensures the health and vitality of the organization by providing fiscal oversight to the CCDC, by developing organization policy and by assisting with program development which is at the heart of the CCDC mission statement.
Current CCDC board of directors: Sarah Kanto, President; Larry Scott, Vice President; Greg McGuirer, Treasurer; Justin Dandoy, Secretary; Karyn Rok, Bryan Martindale, Terry Lee, Shane Franklin, Joanne Letcher, Dan Gustine and Jackie Hellwig.
get in touch
Mailing Address
PO BOX 787
Carnegie, PA 15106